Travel Directions to Villa Mia Holiday Flats St Lucia, Natal North Coast, KZN South Africa.
Villa Mia Self Catering Holiday Flats in St. Lucia, Natal North Coast, South Africa is the perfect getaway destination for travelers seeking a tranquil and comfortable stay. Whether you’re exploring the local area or just need a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, Villa Mia has everything you need for a memorable and enjoyable holiday. To make your travel to Villa Mia as smooth and stress-free as possible, here are some travel directions to help you get there.
No matter how you choose to travel to Villa Mia, you’re sure to have a wonderful time in St. Lucia. Book your stay today and get ready to experience the beauty and comfort of Natal North Coast, South Africa!
- Below are travel directions to Villa Mia Holiday Flats which is situated in the beautiful small coastal town of St. Lucia North Coast, KZN, South Africa.
- Notes must be taken that some of the road sections are tolled.
- This include road section from Johannesburg to Ermelo.
- Durban to Umtunzini.
- Road surface conditions are not always good and as such, care must be taken when deciding to travel to St. Lucia Natal North Coast, KZN South Africa.
- St. Lucia is a well known fishing paradise and as such, many anglers do tow boats, caravans, trailers and Jetskis to St. Lucia.
- It is paramount that holiday makers note the conditions of the roads they might be travelling on.
- Regular road surface updates will be posted, so do look out for them.
- Printable pdf documents are added below the road surface updates.
- We hope that these documents can assist you in planning, and creating the best holiday experience one might ever encounter.
- We plan on adding emergency numbers to the road sections to assist should emergencies arise.
- Crime is everywhere and care should be taken when travelling.
For the best Self Catering Holiday accommodation bookings.
Contact Amanda 083 719 2250
083 778 2288
Travelling to Villa Mia St Lucia from Durban.
Travel time and distance
Durban to St Lucia N2
Distance: 237km
Travel time: 2hours 34 min
Directions on N2 Highway
Travelling to Villa Mia, St Lucia from Johannesburg
Travel time and distance
Johannesburg to St Lucia
Distance: 597km
Travel time: 7hours 28 min
Directions on N17 and N 2 Highway
The below map will direct you to Villa Mia Holiday Flats St. Lucia Natal North Coast South Africa.
The map link is not broken.'29.5"S+32%C2%B024'44.7"E/@-28.3748686,32.4102308,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xc028d7c391305767!8m2!3d-28.3748686!4d32.4124195?hl=en
Road updates: Johannesburg to St. Lucia Natal North Coast KZN South Africa.
Update 26 March 2024
Springs Secunda
- Distance 80km.
- Road is tolled.
- Road is a single carriage way, but wider then normal.
- Road surface has cracks present close to the Secuda toll plaza.
- Road is still in a good condition.
Secunda Bethal:
- Distance 45km.
- Road is tolled.
- Some areas of the road has cracks present in them. This will lead to the road surface breaking up.
- Road surface is still in a fairly good condition.
Bethal Ermelo:
- Distance 58km.
- Tolled road.
- Road surface is still good.
- Single carriage way with wider areas.
- Road surface is good should one decide to tow a trailer or caravan/ Boat.
Ermelo Piet Retief:
- Distance 100km.
- Not a Tolled road.
- Double carriage way road surface is good (10km only).
- Road surface from the single carriage way (10Km out of Ermelo to 10km before Piet Retief is quite bad).
- Road is starting to crumbling.
- Plenty of pot holes are present.
Contractors have been appointed to repair the potholes and bad sections. The repaired areas are not smooth, care should still be taken when travelling on this section of roads.
- This is a 80km stretch of road which is quite narrow (only singe lane).
- Care should be taken when towing boats, caravans and trailers on this stretch of road.
Piet Retief Pongola:
- Distance 100km.
- Not a tolled road.
- The 65 km after Piet Retief the road surface is looking bad.
- Pot holes and crumbling road surface is present.
Contractors have been appointed to repair the potholes and bad sections. The repaired areas are not smooth, care should still be taken when travelling on this section of roads.
- Care should be taken on this 65km stretch when towing.
- Potholes have been poorly filled which still causes a ditch system/ event.
- The Swaziland border section has a area where the tar broke up completely accros the road. Local residents are using this oppertunity to fill the gravel road, they are expecting road users to hand out money as they pass by.
- The next 10km to Pongola the road surface is in a fairly good condition.
- The last 30km to Pongola travelling is through a local village, animals ( cows, goats, chickens and dogs) are common next to the road.
- The travelling lane is only a single carriage way.
Pongola Jozini turn Off:
- 75km distance.
- Not a tolled road.
- Road surface is good.
- Single lane carriage way with wider sections.
Jozini turn off to St Lucia (Mtubabatuba turn off)
- Distance 110km.
- Not a tolled road.
- Road is a 1,5 carriage way.
- Towing boats, caravans and trailers on this stretch of road is good.
- The road does have a wave pattern present which causes bouncy situations.
N2 turnoff to Mtubatuba
- Distance 4km.
- Road is not tolled, single carriage way.
- Road from N2 to Mtubatuba is also crumbling apart.
- Surface is not smooth and potholes are present.
Mtubatuba to St. Lucia.
- Road is around 25km long.
- Road is not tolled, single carriage way.
a 3km section of road just before the Monzi turn off has been scrapped!
Initially it was the left lane only, now it is both lanes for around 3km before the Monzi turn off.
This section is controlled via a stop and go, regulated on both sides.
- Road has speed bumps present and care should be taken.
- Speed bumps are quite high and damage to vehicles will occur if speed is not checked.
- 3 x sections of speed bumps present.
- Some potholes are also starting to form in the road.
- A section of the road runs through a local village and thus a watchful eye should be present for children, animals and pedestrians along the road.
How to drive to St. Lucia Main beach?
Many ask the question how to drive to St. Lucia main beach?
The descriptions in the video is clear.
Just follow the on screen directions which will get you to St. Lucia Main beach, KZN South Africa.
See the below video:
Road updates: Durban to St. Lucia Natal North Coast KZN South Africa.
Update 19 March 2023.
- From Durban, Take the N2 north towards Richards bay.
- This is tolled road until Umtunzini is reached.
- The tolled road section is a dual carriage way in both directions.
- Towing on this section is easier.
- The road surface is good, with no breaking up or potholes present in this section.
- From Umtunzini, the road is a single carriage way.
- This section of single carriage way is 1,5 wide.
- The wider road allows for overtaking easier as traffic normally moves over to the left yellow line area in order for traffic to overtake.
- Road works has been completed on certain sections.
- The overall road surface condition is good with no breaking up of road surface or potholes present.
- When reaching the Mtubatuba turn off, one will again experience a single carriage way road which needs attention.
Mtubatuba to St. Lucia.
- Road is around 25km long.
- Road is not tolled, single carriage way.
- Road has speed bumps present and care should be taken.
- Speed bumps are quite high and damage to vehicles will occur if speed is not checked.
- 3 x sections of speed bumps present.
- Some potholes are also starting to form in the road.
- A section of the road runs through a local village and thus a watchful eye should be present for children, animals and pedestrians along the road.
Traveling on South African roads:
- In South Africa we drive on the left side of the road.
- The correct motor vehicle license is needed to drive on South African roads.
- Obey the law and all should be well when traveling in South Africa.
- Crime levels are quite high & care should be taken when traveling from town to town.
- Blue light criminals are common on South African Roads.
- The above circumstances does not allow one to act & drive as you wish.
- Traffic officers signals are still to be obeyed.
- The best is to be friendly and polite when being pulled over.
- Traveling during day light hours is advised at times.
- Follow the local news for updates regarding circumstances which could influence your desired route you wish to travel.
- The current war in Ukraine has the affect that many more trucks are transporting coal from Mpumalanga to the Richards bay coal terminal.
- The extra truck traffic is estimated to be in a excess of 200 trucks a day.
How to get to Villa Mia Holiday Flats St. Lucia?
- Follow the below video link to our you tube channel, which will assist you in getting to Villa Mia Holiday Flats.
- Easy & quick just like it is.
- Enjoy your stay self catering holiday stay at Villa Mia Holiday Flats, St. Lucia KZN Natal North Coast South Africa.
How to drive to Ingwe beach St. Lucia?
Many ask the question, how to drive to Ingwe beach St. Lucia?
We decided to answer this question by uploading the following video.
Ingwe beach is only 1.8km from Villa Mia Holiday Flats.
So follow the on screen directions and you will safely and quickly arrive at Ingwe beach, St. Lucia, Natal North Coast South Africa.
26 March 2024 ckp